Timeless Rum

The best things in life, are Timeless.

Timeless Rum

We believe that in order to have a successful and rewarding project, you need multiple revenue streams, and although this is web3, we don’t see a reason why you can’t leverage web2 to funnel funds into a web3 project. The Timekeepers have created a brand of rum called Timeless. Our team has already secured the sale of Timeless Rum in over 40 locations in New Zealand with plans to establish ourselves in 400 stores within 3 months of launch.

How do holders benefit?

Holders holding "x" Timekeeper NFTs will be eligible to share 25% of the company's net profits. Outside of the goal to grow the brand nationwide, our team has no plan to personally profit from its success. Our team plans on injecting liquidity from this rum into the web 3 sector of The Timekeepers project.

We said we were aiming to be the most generous project on Solana right?

Last updated